Meet what Marcus and I have lovingly dubbed (well maybe not SO lovingly on my part..) The Big Truck!
Marcus informed me that these big ole mirrors are called ‘Dumbo Mirrors.’ To which I replied “That is ADORABBLE”
He then scowled at me and told me not to call his truck adorable. But, come on! Check out the dumbo mirrors..they ARE cute!
These tires are larger than they appear:
But the same can be said about this guy’s heart :)
And on top of being a youth minister (and that encompasses-youth group, teaching confirmation classes, planning and running retreats, always being a phone call away for his teens, playing praise and worship, a prayer warrior..just to name a few). This dimpled man volunteers for the Virginia Beach Fire Department in his spare time. That’s hot!!
It’s a LOOOOOOONG way down from the passenger seat (and did you notice my cute shoes?! Thanks mom!)
Other Truck details and Marcus working hard, paying me no mind…
WHOOPS! I must have got sidetracked ;) I don’t remember taking this shot! BUT since it made it in here, we may as well analyze it. My favorite parts of this particular composition are the baby blonde hairs and the dirt smudges.. I barely even notice the muscle! ;)
I think the boredom was setting in…
Happy 2nd Anniversary Marcus!! I love you… I love it when you wink at me (see above!), I love watching you work on your truck, and I almost, a teeeeny tiny bit, love the big truck! Thanks for putting up with me and I look forwards to photo-journaling many other of your projects!