Merry Christmas Eve y’all!! Here is a blog that is completely un-related to Christmas!! {But don’t worry.. I have a FABULOUS Christmas post in the works..IMHO, anyways}. So, like most people right now, I have been busy doing a lot of Christmas preparation..especially in the wrapping presents department. My mom normally approaches a couple days before Christmas begging for my help, so I’ll wrap presents for my dad and siblings from ‘Santa Claus.’ Because my 13 year old brother still believes. Or wait…my mom still believes my 13 year old brother believes. And he is a smart cookie, & a good pretender to boot! If my mom had to deal with the fact that ALL of her children were too old for Santa Claus, I think it would break her heart. Patrick has taken it upon himself to keep her heart intact. God Bless him.
The above paragraph has absolutely NOTHING to do with the blog post intended in my mind before I started typing. So, please see post title and then be understanding. Thank you. So, I am in the midst of wrapping all these presents when this huge, pink binder begins calling my name. The black writing across the top says THE ULTIMATE WEDDING GUIDE PLANNER AND ORGANIZER. And I am telling you people, I could not look away! So instead of going through a roll of tape every two presents {I am horrible at wrapping presents and a member of tape wasters anonymous}I am sitting here all kinds of stressed out because Marcus and I are behind wedding planning. Did you know you are supposed to have your wedding colors picked out 6 to 9 months before the wedding? Hire a calligrapher at 4 months out? {Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, really?! Hire a calligrapher?! ohhhhh my!}
Actually, Marcus and I are making incredible progress in the wedding planning department. Especially when it comes to the whole wedding date and venue area. You know, minor details ;) It turns out that we will probably get married sooner than expected {Hooray!} because summer and fall just are not good wedding times for a hard working, retreat-facilitating, mission trip -leading, youth conference -attending, Confirmation- teaching, youth group- running Handsome, hottie youth minister. So believe it or not, we are looking at May. Beautiful, beautiful May :)
But my ADHD mind needs help. I really want some wedding colors! But I change my mind every two seconds :( I need to fall in love with two beautiful colors and I need help from the experts and am welcoming opinions. Actually, I am BEGGING for opinions. Here are some of my two cents. Growing up my favorite color was blue. Now I love green. I always wanted sage green and brown for wedding colors. BUT I do not like those at all for a spring wedding. I don’t really like pink. Since I am really into green I thought a kelly/spring green would be great. Then I decided it was a little too bright for my style. I love Earth tones and pastels and creams. I thought of a twig brown and pastel blue. My mom cringed at brown at a wedding. So now I am thinking sage green and pastel blue. Ideas, thoughts, suggestions… please, please, please!!!!!!
Eternal gratitude,
P.S. My mom is going to come up here and wonder why none of her presents are wrapped
P.P.S Thanks to Morgan, my secret Santa at work, who got the wonderful {albeit overwhelming!} wedding organizer for me
P.P.S I need more tape
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