Acrostic Poems were the common denominator across all academic subjects in Mrs. Crawford’s second grade class. It started simply with a lesson on different types of poetry but we soon were writing acrostic poems for everything from social study topics to fractions. {reason # 32455 that I will be homeschooling any future Crofts} I discovered soon enough that the dreaded acrostic poems were a result of our teacher’s poor lesson planning. Whenever she under planned or ran out of time or had no clue what to do, she would announce, “Okay boys & girls, let’s go ahead and turn this lesson into an acrostic poem so I can see what you’ve learned. Everybody write the word PRESIDENT vertically on your paper and do your best to describe the word” Even at 7 years old, I had perfected eye-rolling and reserved such behavior for juvenile assignments I thought beneath me. Well, Mrs. Crawford. I think I’ve come to understand you. Call it poor planning, lack of inspiration or writer’s block, but today’s post is brought to you by an acrostic poem
Laundry, laundry, laundry {mostly Marcus’, but only because he works out more than me.}
Autumn decorating. Orange, brown & red silk flowers, Goodbye sunshiney yellow tablecloth & seashell placemats. Hello rusty blues & creams. Smelling that Autumn Wreath candle now..
Spontaneous dinner date with my sister-in-law & her husband. They wanted to take us out to dinner to celebrate Marcus’ firefighting achievements {!!} but the fireman was wiped out from his day at work {still youth ministering} so they came over to our house instead, where we enjoyed homemade nachos, leftover enchiladas, and ice cream, youtube videos and the like. It was awesome.
Trash taking out. Sunday was St. Matthew’s feast day & parish picnic. I don’t go to St. Matt’s, but I do use their church for my young adult group so me & some friends lent some time to the clean-up effort. Trash can juice all down my arms was the end of that reminded me of my restaurant -working days.
Water. A couple hours on Sunday were dedicated to a staff in-service. Chlorine, spinal scenarios, backboards, passive victim rescues, and a lil’ CPR.
Enchilada’s on Saturday night. Make that enchilada’s & The Rhodes Family. Throw some Guacamole in that mix. And apple crisp, we were celebrating fall after all. Can’t forget the Sam Adam’s Harvest Collection. And amazing fellowship. A really chubbly, smiley baby playing banangrams with us on the middle of the dining room table didn’t hurt either.
Equidistant. Or something like that. Marcus hung more floating shelves & pictures & hooks. I begged him to make sure the said decorations were equally spaced. And chased after him with a level. Don’t worry, he did good! Math peeps, don’t call me out for the incorrect use of this word. I was reaching
Kollege football. Really reaching
Eucharist. Highest point of the weekend. Sleeping in, St. Stephens & Jesus.
Nostalgia. duh. My mom and I spent Friday evening {see below} reminiscing about naval base days & neighbors.
Dough! Pizza dough, that is. On Friday night, Marcus & I went over to my parents for a make-your-own pizza contest. I made the dough in my bread machine {Thanks Elizabeth!} guessed on how to make red sauce & then topped it with spinach, garlic & feta cheese. It was good, but my little sister’s margarita pizza was better. No surprise there.
There you have it…last weekend!!!
glad I could contribute to delicious pizza making!!
Thank Laura! Although I really think that your pizza was delicious...just a little too garlic-y. :)
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