Pregnancy is more fun when you are doing it with friends. Here I am with my baby, Katelyn & her baby girl & my sister-in-law Becky with my sweet little niece. They both have fielded all types of weird, funny, strange or TMI pregnancy questions from me. So has my mom, my other SIL Emily, my sister Mindy & any other pregnant women I see walking down the street. I’m sorry, random pregnant women walking down the street.
Jun 28, 2012
Jun 27, 2012
On birthdays & technology.
I turned 26 earlier this month, and I am officially so old that I forgot my own birthday. As in, I woke up, went about my business {I was in Columbus, Oh for my little brother’s graduation} and until somebody else chirped our a ‘Happy Birthday’ late that morning, I was completely unaware of the significance of June 9th. Considering my mom’ knack at making our birthdays feel like national holidays, forgetting my birthday was something I was sure I would never do. I always looked forward to them & was so excited the night before I couldn’t fall asleep. Now that I am pregnant, I can always fall asleep. The only think I was looking forward to at the beginning of June was feeling better. I know that sounds depressing, but it’s the truth.
My birthday was still wonderful, by the way. A little birthday greeting from the newest Naval Officer in our family during his Commissioning, an ice cream pie from Graeters, and just the chance to be with my extended family. I reeeaallly missed Marcus though, who had to work that weekend. When I came home, he seemed to have his heart set on showing me how much better of a gift-giver he is than me. Okay, okay- that was not really his intent, but I sure noticed how good he was at gift-giving. Actually, gift making. Most of my gifts in the near 5 years we’ve been together he has made himself- and I always love them!
This year he tried his hand at making an edible arrangement.
We had some good giggles over how it turned out!
I stopped giggling though, when I saw another one of his gifts to me.
He made this matching necklace & earring set for me. From the shells from our anniversary trip to Charleston. This is the part where I started crying.
His other surprise was having my beloved pair of cowboy boots resoled & polished. He heard me lamenting them this past winter, worried their days were numbered. You should see them now..they look better than brand new! I would have taken a picture but I didn’t feel like bending over to pick them up out of the closet. Laziness abounds over here.
He also gave me a surprise Anniversary/birthday gift. First we played a word puzzle. Here, you can play too.
Did you figure it out?!?!
After the word scramble, I totally forgot my manners.
“WHAT?! Marcus! You know how I feel about Kindles!! I’m so confused!”
{That is not really the type of thing you should say after you open a present}
Thankfully, he just laughed and said he knew.
Apparently, despite my stance to never read books on a screen because I think it is a disgrace and I love them smell of books and the way they feel in my hand and and and….. he still thought I might like one if I had it and got used to it.
Well, I have one & I am getting used to it. And I think I like it.
Things I like about it~ Having lots of books in one weightless tablet. {I have a habit of reading 3 or 4 books at once & carrying them all with me when I go places. It’s hard on my bags/purses and harder on my shoulders/back}
Things I am still very unsure about~ If I really want to own a book- I want to own a real copy. One that sits on my bookshelf & has my name on the inside cover with little notes scribbled in it. One that I can lend to a friend. Buying a book on Kindle does not feel like truly “owning” it to me. Also, even though I am always reading, I don’t buy a ton of books. Most of the time they are from the library. If I really fall in love with it, then I’ll buy it. So, I worry about just spending a lot of money buying books, when I could be renting. And yes, I know Kindle has a library…BUT you have to be Amazon Prime member {79 bucks a year} AND can only take out one book at a time. What kind of library is that?! I have since come to find out that my library does have a downloaded books section, so that could be a redeeming factor.
So, that is where the kindle and I stand. I am really enjoying it’s lightweight, many books at my fingertips but still apprehensive of taking my reading & book collection digital. I read A LOT so I am worried about constantly buying books on kindle for the convenience instead of renting at the library like I used too.
I know, I know… I am such a Grandma! Does anybody else have a love- hate relationship with Kindle this way or am I just seriously crazy?! Would love to hear some other opinions or just some reassurance that I am not just some hardcore technology resistant woman. Even though I kind of am.
It was such a good birthday. Marcus is always making, giving or doing thoughtful things for me. And sometimes pushing me to join the 21st century…
Jun 25, 2012
It IS the best medicine
Laughter, that is.
I just love these people. I love dinner on the back porch. I love month-late birthday celebrations for handsome brothers.
and these three. That little bump you see? That is not birthday cake… that is Cecilia & Thomas’ little baby brother or sister. Due a month after baby Croft. We are so blessed around these parts.
Keeps us laughing!
How to best bake a baby
And that is ‘bake’ as in gestate, people. This ain’t the Hunger Games.
They come out all tanned and salty this way.
A salty & sunkissed mama
Jun 19, 2012
Barefoot & Pregnant
But, really. Here I am at 17 weeks with no shoes on!
What does 17 weeks look like for me? An undeniable bump, some maternity clothes {Thank you Mom!}, still fighting food aversions & nausea.. I guess that whole glowing second trimester thing has not set in yet for me, want watermelon all the time, swimming a couple times a week,stroller researching, feeling baby move {!!!!!}, making our first baby purchase- a beautiful wooden highchair, and mulling over baby names.
We find out baby’s gender on July 9th! Woohoo!!
Brian’s Commissioning
Even though I am clearly the most successful child in my family, being the career lifeguard and all, my little brother has not done too bad for himself. In fact, he has done so well, that I hopped {fell} into a 1986 shiny black corvette and rode for ten hours to see him graduate from Ohio State a couple weekends ago. I should probably clarify- I actually didn’t go to see him graduate- don’t get me wrong- I am very proud of his 3.75 finance major self, but I didn’t feel the need to attend the largest graduation in America with 50,000 other people in the sweltering heat. So I said Congratulations from the my grandparents nice air conditioned house and told I would see him at the after party. I really went to see him get commissioned as an officer in the United States Navy! Mostly because there wouldn’t be 50,000 people there-that and it is wonderful, tradition rich ceremony. You can see Chris’ here.
As for the way aforementioned shiny black corvette? My brother’s decided to buy a corvette to share, and Chris drove it to Ohio for the weekend so Brian could have have fun with it while he did all types of graduation and commissioning type things. Riding in a corvette for ten hours at 16 weeks pregnant was quite the adventure and I am sure you won’t wonder how we got there an hour faster than we should have. And that included all the this-baby-is-on-my-bladder rest stops, too.
While I am sure potty breaks and shiny corvettes are interesting and all…. check out my sweet little brother’s Naval Commissioning!
Here is Brian & his friend, JJ, heading off to the commissioning!
Oh Brian, you are cute!
Cecilia & Thomas posing before the ceremony
This friend of the family, Meredith, was the secretary at ROTC Unit when my dad was in ROTC at Ohio State. She was also the secretary when Chris was there AND Brian’s freshman year. She came back to see Brian get commissioned!
Getting sworn in by Dad
Cecilia & Thomas got to put on his new shoulder boards
They may have completely stole the show..
Brian giving his remarks…which included a ‘Happy Birthday, Laura!’ Which then made me cry.
Silver Dollar Salute from his friend JJ
Brothers shaking hands in the receiving line.
Getting a hug from Cecilia & Thomas
and a hug from yours truly..
And a hug for mom
Since Chris & Brian both went to Ohio State, they had the awesome blessing of being around the corner from two sets of grandparents AND Aunt Mary!
I think I will close out with this adorable picture
Congratulations Ensign Danley!!
Jun 17, 2012
Father at the Fire Station
Guess who the baby & I went to visit at the fire station today?
Happy Father’s Day, love of my life! Our baby is so blessed to have you for a Daddy…..
Jun 9, 2012
Last Day in Charleston
We kicked off Sunday by going to mass at the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist…with the Bishop, no less! He was there celebrating the mass for the neophytes! We had many masses & beautiful Catholic churches to choose from. St. Mary's of the Annunciation was only a couple blocks away. Not Catholic? No problem- there were so many incredible churches throughout downtown. In fact, Charleston has also been dubbed the Holy City because of the sheer number of steeples that make in appearance in the skyline. After mass, we headed to brunch at the Early Bird Diner & consumed my favorite Charleston meal of the weekend! Thanks for the recommendation, Zito family! After stuffing ourselves with things like chicken & waffles and chocolate chip pecan pancakes, we met my brother at the Charleston Aquarium. We finished off the day by eating at Blossom, to celebrate Chris’ birthday and our anniversary. We spent the rest of the evening walking around, eating ice cream, and making friends with dogs. With one last walk along the Battery, we said goodbye to Charleston. Such a good trip & so much more to do! Guess we will be going back! My brother was such a great host & had such a nice place for us to stay. We loved spending our anniversary with him since he was deployed when we got married.
Inside the Aquarium…
Happy Anniversary to us! Happy Birthday Chris!
And that’s a wrap! Go to Charleston! You’ll love it!!