From a cell phone. Because I really enjoyed Emily's latest cell phone dump.
I call this one The Calm Before the Storm. Just a couple days before baby James’ big debut.
And this one is referred to as the bouncy, jiggly, kissy, rocking dance to settle baby down back when his hair was more monk-like. Obviously, this dance is more effective if your are wearing a bathrobe and don’t know where your hairbrush lives
Here is James’ visiting his old man at the fire station for the first time.
This a favorite, despite James’ ghost-like appearance. Here is our bouncing baby boy with his favorite midwife, as we were visiting Miss. Rosie Rosemary at the hospital. Jenny would have delivered Rosemary too, but baby girl has a flair for the dramatics and wanted to make her debut at Norfolk General instead. Jenny was by Mindy’s side for the whole rodeo. We love her.
All I am going to say is this picture took some humility to post. For both the Indian squaw AND Mr. balding double chin!
Here is James at the Pediatrician, probably after he paid off the nurses to skip out on his shots. Looking cute, all the same!
I found the perfect solution to reading at night..
Me too James, I love your daddy too
Hooray, James loves to read now!
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