I really had my heart set on cutting down our own Christmas tree this year, not because I felt the need to use an ax, but I wanted to start a Marcus & Laura Croft family tradition. So last Saturday, we went on the hunt. Since we waited a bit into advent to get our Christmas tree, most of the farms we called informed us they were closed for the season. We weren’t discouraged though & headed to Pungo to a farm that told us they still had plenty of trees. With our crazy schedules, we welcomed the slow, winding drive down the back roads of Chesapeake into Virginia Beach. When we pulled up the farm, I was immediately disappointed at the selection of Christmas trees. The only ones still available for cut your own were {what I call} the long- haired trees. They have the soft long needles that don’t look strong enough for ornaments. To say I was bummed would be an understatement…Marcus convinced me to look at their pre-cut trees but the prices were outrageous. There is a small chance I threw a temper tantrum in the car, to my own surprise! I couldn’t figure out why I was so set off about a failed Christmas tree hunting trip. I mean, we had gotten plenty of sleep. I had a had a good breakfast…wait! NO I HADN’T! I had a cup of coffee & sour patch kids for breakfast! And now it was near noon. Marcus was easily able to diagnose my condition, since he also suffers from it.
found here
So we ended up at the Taylors Do-It less than 2 miles from our house. This is where this story takes a positive spin. Instead of the $90 dollar 6 ft tree at the farm. We bought a HUGE foot tree {since we have vaulted ceilings where we rent} for $40. Win, win win.
I have to be honest y’all. I feel like one reason I was so bummed was because I saw the cutting-down-the-Christmas-tree event as a huge photo opportunity. In fact, I see a lot of things in life like that, then end up disappointed. It is a common photographer syndrome. Life ain’t a photo-shoot! I tried to look on the bright side, make the most of the situation, and just take pictures at Taylor’s Do-It Center.
As I was taking these pictures in the parking lot while Marcus & the two teenage boys from the lot tied the {huge} tree to our {small} car, Marcus quietly whispered to me to stop.
“No, honey..I’m documenting. Just keep working..you look great. Except face me a little bit while you tie the tree down”
Then I continued squealing in excitement over our first tree, how cute Marcus looked, and I was just getting ready to ask one of the teenage boys to take our picture together when Marcus again whispered to me to PLEASE stop. I was confused. He normally encouraged my photography. He sheepishly admitted that it was kind of embarrassing & could we please take the rest of the pictures at home.
“What’s that babe?! You want me to stop taking pictures in front of these nice boys?! They don’t mind! They are happy for us! They think we are cute! They WANT to take our picture! Don’t be embarrassed, honey!!” I said in a loud{ish} voice.
I’m the greatest wife ever!!!!!!
Mostly because I listened to him, stopped taking pictures and waited till we were at home to finish documenting.
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