It felt almost strange, to be at my grandparents and wearing something other than shorts and sundresses since pretty much all of our annual stays were in the summertime. It was pretty obvious that fall had arrived on the drive up when we stopped at a rest stop in West Virginia and my yellow tank top was not cutting it. It was rainy and cold! Now, it wasn’t exactly cold in Ohio, in fact the afternoons warmed up perfectly, but the mornings and evening offered that brisk, crisp chilly air all fall-lovers crave.
Despite the consistent rain that followed us for ten hours, and the annoying stops for leg-stretching & potty breaks, the drive was pretty uneventful. Marcus and I love taking car rides together so we just chatted & took in the beautiful scenery. I may even attribute the long car trip for the flip of my breechy baby! Or, at least that is what my midwives said could have prompted him to get in the proper position.
I fully expected to take no less than 900 photographs on this trip. Instead, perhaps for once, I just focused on being more present in both what we were doing, and who we were with. I do wish I had snapped a picture of my cousin & I, or a picture on the screened-in porch with my grandparents but the camera just didn’t come out much. Normally we go to Ohio at the same time as my mom & dad, my sister & her kids, my younger siblings and our visits often coincide with some other cousins..but this time it was just Marcus & I. We had no agenda. We slept in, worked out a little, took walks in different parks, ate delicious food with both sets of grandparents, did a little shopping, visited the fancy-schmancy farmer’s market {SO jealous of theirs!}, ate Jeni’s most splendid ice cream, went to go see Kim at Kimerby’s Diamond Corner, hung out with my cousin Shannon and talked about our growing little boy. It was perfect.
Nanny & Angie’s hydrangeas
My favorite street in the world, Ritamarie Dr.
Marcus reading on Nanny’s front porch
Going for walks at the Olentangy River Trail & McCoy Rd and documenting the baby bump {32.5 weeks} AND the beautiful colors
A duck that thought it was a cow…
I love all white ducks!
Marcus’ Black & Tan Sunday with Stout soaked bundt cake. MMMMMMmmmm
Saying goodbye to Nanny & Papa. Next time we see them, the baby boy will be on the outside!
I love you, Columbus! See you in the summer :)
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