You might just be coming home to a surprise baby shower!!
That is me wondering why my little sister is taking pictures of me while I am walking in the door. Then, that is me laughing at seeing my friends from work walking out of random parts of my mom’s house :)
It was the Sunday before Marcus & I were leaving for Ohio and I had a pretty long to-do list {of course} to get ready for the trip, but when Brian called me wanting to have lunch together I happily obliged. I like Brian, and I really, really like food. I had him convinced to go to Jason’s Deli so I could take advantage of that amazing free soft serve ice cream but he called me in the morning wanting to go somewhere nicer.
Nicer?! Did you not hear me about the FREE soft serve ice cream?! What could possibly nicer?
Except I didn’t really say that, since he was treating me to lunch. We settled on Bakers Crust. Which, even without the ice cream, was incredibly delicious. It turns out, all this nicer restaurant business was his effort to get me to wear something nicer than yoga pants and a tank top. Good thinking, since all my respectable looking maternity clothes were packed away for our trip the next morning. Lucky for him & my shower attendees, I showered and did my hair, too. I decided to forgo the make-up, though…it was just lunch with my brother!
Meanwhile, back at my mom’s house…
My mom & sisters were busy setting up a simple, perfect autumnal themed afternoon. Think apple cider brewing in that crock pot, pumpkin muffins with cream cheese ice cream and other fall deliciousness.
Meanwhile, some MWR girls from the past & present arrived at my house to surprise me. I was very surprised! And so, so touched.. I’ve missed these girls! We had the most laidback and sweet afternoon. We spent a couple hours chatting and decorating fabric squares for a quilt my little sister is going to make the baby boy.
Cecilia and Thomas came along too! When the weren’t busy decorating the cutest quilt squares they were loving on my friend April’s baby girl Charlotte. Good practice for their little sister on the way…
I’m so thankful I got to celebrate my little one with these girls and I can’t wait to introduce him to them when he arrives in just under two months! Y’all will have him swimming in no time!
And I can’t sign off here without mentioning: My mom is a surprise party master. Having had some pretty terrible birthday party experiences when we were young, she swore off doing traditional birthday parties with 15+ six year olds smashing piñatas. No complaints here though, as instead we normally just had one or two close friends over, dinner of our choosing and a scavenger birthday gift hunt. None of us missed the parties. My 8th grade year, however; she completely surprised my with a birthday party attended by all my friends at school. I never had a clue! She’s put together a surprise party for my older sister for a birthday in high school, surprised my older brother by driving out of town to pick up an old friend who had moved away to help celebrate his birthday, and most recently completely surprised Patrick for his 15 birthday. She is a freakishly good liar in coordinating these events, and mostly gets a huge kick out of pulling them off.
Mindy & Kathleen had me pretty fooled too since we had just talked about doing a baby shower in the beginning of November. Kathleen came over a couple days prior to the shower asking to borrow my camera for a school project. Thanks for taking pictures, Kathleen!
Brian, lunch was wonderful :) Thanks for helping out in the surprise department!
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