I have the unborn heavy on my heart. Every day I think of the roughly 3,500 babies who are robbed of the chance to be our future doctors, presidents, priests, missionaries, parents… I think of God’s daughters, the beautiful women that make a harmful decision out of fear. I think of the men missing out on daughters and sons. I think about the doctors, using the amazing talent God gave them, to hurt rather than to heal. I think about the politicians who fail to protect ‘We the people’, so far from a government resting on His shoulders. My heart aches for these lost souls and I can literally feel God’s longing for them all. These souls -the unborn, the women and men choosing abortion, doctors performing abortions, pro-choice politicians- are heavy on my heart.
For a long time, I have asked God to reveal a specific ministry for me to be involved in. I asked God to break my heart for what His was breaking for. My prayer did not go unanswered; my heart did not go unbroken. About a year ago, I dove into pro-life ministry- studying facts, listening to speakers on the subject, attending prayer sieges, praying at the abortion clinic weekly, and finally sidewalk counseling. Attending the abortion clinic, pleading and praying, calling out to women with love, offering other options in rain, snow, and freezing cold has been difficult. Being in the presence of such evil and death is never easy, but God supplies the sidewalk counselors/prayers with love for these women and the sweet babies in their womb.
While being on scene and actively trying to stop the massacre of a generation does yield results, it is not the most powerful part of pro-life ministry. No, the power is in prayer. Your prayer, my prayer, mass, any prayer. It is in the 2 days a month I dedicate to fasting and prayer for the end to abortion. On the 8th and 28th of each month I deny my flesh and pray without ceasing throughout the day for the end to abortion and for mercy and healing for those who have had abortions. I make it a point to say a rosary in front of the Blessed Sacrament. This past Monday, Feb.8th, I knelt in the chapel, looked at the real presence of Jesus, and began my rosary. Since it was Monday I began to meditate on the Joyful Mysteries. While praying, I was so touched by the beauty of these mysteries and how they interceded for the end to abortion. They were so poignant to me, and I knew God was tugging at me to share my meditations on them. It would be my hope that these meditations, for the end to abortion, during the Joyful Mysteries, would aid you in prayer. I hope that somebody would find these helpful and use them to pray along with me. I would love for our prayers to be unified before the Lord. Please remember the unborn in your daily prayers, as God may ask us all when we meet him in Heaven—What did you do to stop the massacre of my loved ones? And there is no more powerful way to stop abortion than through prayers. Especially those offered up to His Holy and Blessed Mother, Mary.
~The First Joyful Mystery: THE ANNUNCIATION- I pray that all women, just like Mary, may humbly accept the gift of a child in the womb. I pray that they will trust God’s plan and find joy in pregnancy, planned or unplanned. As the Word was made Flesh, I pray that these women and men will embrace God’s Will becoming flesh in their lives, by respecting the sacred life they created.
~ The Second Joyful Mystery: THE VISITATION- I am amazed that Mary, scared and unsure of her future and probably very morning sick, journeys to serve her cousin Elizabeth. I pray that everyone may be inspired by Mary’s perfect example of charity and that we too, moved by love, can serve those in need-especially the unborn and expectant mothers in their hardship. Mary, in her charity, brought Jesus to Elizabeth and John in the womb. I pray that through our charity, we may bring Jesus to those in need. And upon receiving Jesus through charity, joy will be experienced profoundly! May women be filled with joy at the sight of Jesus in their neighbors.
~The Third Joyful Mystery: THE NATIVITY- Many women choose to have abortion because of financial strain. Yet Jesus, the most important man that ever walked the Earth was born in complete poverty. I pray that we will see the virtue in poverty, and be humbled to bring life into this world despite pecuniary obstacles.
~The Fourth Joyful Mystery: THE PRESENTATION- In an action of complete obedience and surrender, Mary presents Jesus in the temple, according to Jewish tradition. I pray that all women may understand that their baby in the womb does not belong to them, but belongs to God, and they have no right to take it’s life. Mary underwent many hardships just bringing Jesus into the world, yet still recognized that her precious son was truly God’s. I pray that all women may selflessly surrender their own will and desire, to give God the child he entrusted to their care while on Earth.
~The Fifth Joyful Mystery: THE FINDING OF THE CHRIST CHILD IN THE TEMPLE- I pray simply that all women would find the presence of God in their children. That they would recognize that their own bodies and the bodies of their unborn children are temples of God. I pray that as Jesus was found teaching in the temple, women would find God gently teaching them through the life of their baby.
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