I am the least cool 24.5 year old I know. Very un-cool. Embarrassedly un-cool. I have no cool to claim. {Okay, now the word cool is just starting to look weird} Take tonight for example, it is Friday night, and I am home. Not just home, but home wearing slippers and bunny rabbit pajamas. I am a homebody. I love to be at home. I am blessed with fun friends who just shake their head at me. When Marcus became a youth minister a year ago, his evenings were soon filled with Confirmation classes, meetings, prayer groups, band practice, parish council, youth group and volunteer fire shifts too. The first year we dated he was my constant evening companion, so it was quite an adjustment. Interestingly enough, I began to love the alone time. I got used to entertaining myself in the evenings..reading books, chatting with friends who live far away, scrapbooking {yeah, I am THAT cool}, learning HTML coding for this here blog, eating chocolate, and being happy in my Ugg slippers and bunny rabbit pajamas. In that first year of Marcus’ new job, I fell in love with the homebody life. Don’t get me wrong.. I love all my friends and parties and weddings and young adults groups and such… I just love alone time too. I love not having an agenda. I love quiet evenings.
It was in one of those quiet evenings that Marcus and I prayed evening prayer together over the phone as he got off work. {A couple of years ago, my mom got this for me. It was such a blessing in my life, that I got Marcus a subscription for his birthday. Praying together at regular times day and night has been such a source of grace for us!!} So, like every other night, we read evening prayer together and these are the Living Words Jesus comforted us with:
Psalm 25~ To you, O Lord, I lift up my soul. I trust in you, let me not be disappointed; do not let my enemies triumph. Those who hope in you shall not be disappointed, but only those who wantonly break faith. Lord, make me know your ways. Lord, teach me your paths. Make me walk in your truth and teach me: for you are God my Savior. In you I hope all day long because of your goodness, O Lord. Remember your mercy, Lord, and the love you have shown from of old. Do not remember the sins of my youth. In your love remember me.
Jer 42:3~ Let the Lord, your God, show us what way we should take and what we should do
And if those words weren’t enough…. we sung one of my favorite hymns, calling on the “God of all hopefulness, Lord of all joy, whose trust, ever child-like, no cares can destroy” {5 cool points if you can name the hymn!}
We were so humbled as we prayed together at the intimate ways God lets us feel his Holy Presence. Marcus and I are looking for a place to live when we are married. We’ve started the hunt! And discouragement had already set in. So to hear the psalm, the hymn, the verses.. I knew God was preaching a message of hope and trust to us. We were lifted up, renewed in confidence for His plan for us. I can’t wait to see where God will provide our new home :)
hoping & trusting in His Provision,
P.S. I bet y’all allllll want to see a picture of my bunny rabbit pajamas now
P.P.S We need a place to live!! Keep your eyes and ears open for us! Or add us to your prayer list! Please & thank you :)
P.P.P.S God bless any readers I have out there! I loooooove you!
hey miss laura -
i added your blog to my igoogle reader. so you have one reader out there (all the way in washington, dc!)
your photos are beautiful.
and whether you find a house or an apartment or a condo, you will find somewhere to live. it doesn't have to be a we-are-going-to-live-here-forever place. just a place to start your marriage.
hey miss laura -
i added your blog to my igoogle reader. so you have one reader out there (all the way in washington, dc!)
your photos are beautiful.
and whether you find a house or an apartment or a condo, you will find somewhere to live. it doesn't have to be a we-are-going-to-live-here-forever place. just a place to start your marriage.
Karen! Thank you for adding me to your google reader :) I will try to be an entertaining read for you!
And, thank you very much for the housing encouragement..good things to keep in mind!
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