Feb 20, 2012

It doesn’t take much to entertain me

     Despite my common usage of the word “y’all” & the  country music presets on my radio..let’s face it friends,  I am a city girl. I grew up in Norfolk, Virginia where the view of the starry nights is obscured by carriers, battleships, and downtown in all it’s Dominion tower height. I might add that I am a reluctant city girl. I love where I grew up- the culture & diversity of Hampton Roads, but I really, really love some things about my fake country life in Chesapeake. I call it a fake country life because Chesapeake is really suburbia with some leftover farms & wide open spaces. Nevertheless, when I drive out of my neighborhood I see horses! During the summer, I hit up the farmer’s market stands! I love the quiet drives on Mt. Pleasant, Elbow Road & Centerville! And I especially, especially LOVE the cows at Bergey’s! Every time I  go spend my life savings there invest in their amazing sandwiches and homemade ice cream, I always book it to the barn to look at the cows. Without fail, I usually squeal in delight at the sheer proximity of the cows to myself. When I am done squealing, I entertain myself by feeding them all the nearby grass and hay I can get my hands on. It. never.gets.old. I love a cow!!!

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Here I am, just chatting with these country folk..

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Here is the cow, chatting with Marcus. I don’t know what they were talking about, but Marcus looks kind of offended..   photo-a-day 183

We also took our friend Isaac out to see the cows, hoping he was as easily entertained as me. But then we remembered he was from the country {i.e Blacksburg, Va} where cows are a common occurrence. He humored me though, as I noisily encouraged him to talk to them & pet them

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Oh cows..you are so beautiful…

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……….except when you make faces like this and hog all the delicious grass from your brother cow…. photo-a-day 205 photo-a-day 206    

Chances are, if you come over to my house, I will take you to see these cows..all the while exclaiming things like “isn’t this AMAZING!!!!” and “These cows make me so happy!!” or “ Let’s go buy a farm!”

Don’t worry though…the ice cream at Bergey’s alone would make up for my odd & obnoxious affection for cows and all things country.

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